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Foundation 1

Welcome to Foundation 1 (Ash Class)


Mrs Fidler (class teacher), Miss Burton (teaching assistant) and Miss Wallace (teaching assistant) welcome back the F1 children and those who are new to us in the Summer term. 


This term we have 3 groups: Green Triangles (Mrs Fidler), Red Circles (Miss Burton) and Blue Squares (Miss Wallace)


We learn through play and practical activities both inside and outside every day with a mixture of adult-led teaching and plenty of opportunities for children to select their own learning.


Welly Wednesday

On Wednesdays the children need to come to school in suitable outdoor clothing and wellingtons or strong footwear as most of the session is outdoor learning. Please ensure that your child has a warm, waterproof coat and a hat in cold weather. We love to dig and plant in our garden and may get quite messy so old clothes are ideal. 



On Fridays the children will need to come in their PE kit. Black joggers or shorts and a white t-shirt, with plimsoles or trainers.


Our topics in the Summer term are: 'Top Gear' and 'Animal Kingdom'




Remembrance Day

Library van visit November 2023

F1 Life-Long Learners Curriculum Plan - Summer 2024

Educational Visits and visitors 2023-2024



Library van visit - Monday 13th November

Post box visit to post letters to Santa & Library visit - Tuesday 12th December

Visit into school from Mr and Mrs Claus - Friday 22nd December



Library van visit 29.2.24



Library Van visit (TBC)

White post farm visit (TBC) Approximate costing £15

Nottinghamshire Children's Centre Service

This service provides lots of support for families with young children:



