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School Meals

KS1/KS2 Spring/Summer Menu 2024

School meals


School meals are cooked on the premises and are very good. The children are offered a wide choice which includes a healthy option.

The charge for school meals in Key Stage 2 is £14.75 per week ( £2.95) per day. 

All school dinners need to be booked in advance, online via your Eduspot account.

If you need a reminder of your log in details, please email the school office and we can send them out to you


Since September 2014, all KS1 and Foundation 2 children are entitled to a universal free school dinner.


If you think you are entitled to free school meals please contact the school office staff who will be pleased to help you. The quickest way to apply is by visiting


If you prefer, your child may bring sandwiches to school. These must be packed in a named container and placed in the sandwich box/trolley in each classroom. Please do not put sweets, glass bottles or flasks into your child’s container. If you wish your child to have a drink please ensure that it is a carton or small plastic bottle that fits into their lunch box. We realise the importance of healthy eating and trust that you will support us in this by providing your child with a healthy lunch box. If you would like your child to change from packed lunches to school dinners or vice-versa please see the class teacher or office staff.


Mid-morning snacks:

In order to encourage healthy eating, children in KS1 will receive a piece of fruit every morning break time; this will be provided free of charge, due to lottery funding. If your child is in KS2 and you wish them to have a piece of fruit, you may send them with a piece each day which they may eat at break time.


Pupils also have the opportunity to have a drink of milk during the morning, the milk scheme is run by “Cool Milk”, and details on how to register can be obtained from the school office. Milk is provided free of charge for pupils under the age of 5 and pupils eligible for free school meals. Milk is offered at a subsidised price for pupils aged 5 – 11 years.

Other than a piece of fruit for children in KS2, parents are asked not to send snacks into school.
