Entry into Full-Time Education
Children are admitted to full-time education at the beginning of the year in which they are 5; this will be subject to accomodation and resources being available. In the event of over subscription, the Standard Reception Criteria will be applied in priority order, to determine which applications will be granted.
Admissions to year groups other than the intake year
Applications for admission to other year groups will normally be considered in relation to the published admission number (PAN) which applied when the year group was first admitted to the school, subject to infant class size restrictions. In some schools, changes in circumstances such as the building of additional classrooms or as a result of teaching group organisation, will require the school and the LA to agree admission numbers which will apply to each year group. These numbers maybe higher or lower than the PAN in operation at the time of first admission and could be different from the current PAN. If places are available within the year group, applications will be considered in accordance with the current published admission criteria for admission to the school. If places are available, the child will normally be admitted to the school.
Further guidance can be found in the Admission Criteria below:
Admission Forms
Nottinghamshire County Council Applying for a school place